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Dining Out: Texas Roadhouse

texas roadhouse sign

There are NO specific 'rules' you should feel like you have to follow when dining out. If your body is craving something, I encourage you to satisfy it (in an appropriate amount) so that you don't binge on it later on! However, I do try to be somewhat mindful when dining out most of the time, because the oils, sauces, seasonings etc that restaurants use are much different than at home and therefore already leave me usually not feeling my best. Also, it is good to be aware that menu items are MUCH more caloric dense than what you make at home most anywhere you go. It doesn't mean you can't enjoy them, it just helps to have that knowledge!

My TIPS (not rules!) for dining out:

  1. Choose PROTEIN! If it is a salad, add protein. If it is an app, find one that has some type of protein. Your meat would be your entree protein source.

  2. I feel better (less tired, slow moving) after the meal if I have had a moderate amount of carbs and not overdone it. Maybe I will enjoy a roll or a sweet potato, but I try not to eat a roll, and a bready appetizer, and french fries, etc.

  3. Add a vegetable somewhere, somehow! A side, a side salad (I like oil & vinegar or vinaigrette dressings). Don't always think about eating of what you are taking away but instead what can you ADD to your plate!

  4. This is a completley personal preference that if I know I am dining out multiple times in a week, I try to make really conscious choices at each spot! However, if I know it is my only time eating out that week, I give myself more grace to enjoy whatever I am wanting, because I know I will be back home and in my routine the following day!

Remember, no matter what or how much you've eaten, get back into the routine that makes you feel best after! Do not restrict or over-exercise, you have enjoyed the meal(s) as you should and now just get back into the pattern you know and drink your normal amount of water to get you feeling great again.

Here are my go-to options at Texas Roadhouse!

texas roadhouse menu


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The information provided on is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure a disease or health issue. Brittany Wiggins is not a doctor and the information provided should not be considered medical advice. You are encouraged to consult a physician before starting any wellness plan or regimen. 

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