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How I Order Food/Drinks Somewhere New

7Brew Coffee Edition

If you have been here for any period of time you may have seen on my blog I am not a buy-coffee-kind-of-girl. I don't like sitting in drive-thru lines and I don't like spending that much on something that isn't going to fill me up! My day to day I use Arbonne's fizz stick for energy with no crash so if I buy coffee out I feel like I am getting a PRESENT!

Girl holding coffee drink

Murray recently got a 7Brew Coffee and I have seen so many people post about it or share (the power of marketing) that I had to go! Unfortunately, I could not find any significant nutrition information online for 7Brew. They offer calorie ranges for each menu item, but they vary so greatly due to the sizes, swaps, & add-in's you can make! So, I thought this would be a good opportunity to share how I would approach somewhere like this, which you may do at local spots, eating at someones house, etc.

I do want to say for anyone reading this, I definitely experienced an (unfortunate) time in my life where I had major food anxiety. I would order a Diet Limeade at Sonic and then not drink it 'out of fear' that it wasn't diet. Having a deeper understanding in nutrition, how your physique changes, & what actually controls body fat gain/loss really helped me work through this - as well as not finding my value in what I eat or what I look like. I would LOVE to help you if you are in this boat, because there was a time in life I would have NEVER tried something new like this.


  • I want to start with saying that you do not HAVE to know the nutrition info, & won't, of everything you consume to live a healthy lifestyle. However, I do like having a general idea of the calorie, sugar, protein content etc. because many things we enjoy are 'masked' as 'low calorie' or 'healthy' when in reality they may not be. The only way to know is for you to know the nutrition facts yourself.

1.) Assume the WORST! Probably the only scenario I recommend this. It is common to want to pat ourselves on the back and think 'I bet since I got sugar free it took away 200 of the 210 calories'... WRONG! Sugar free does NOT mean carb and calorie free.

2.) Enjoy LIFE! Cliche, but don't be so stressed about ONE drink, ONE meal, or ONE snack that you don't enjoy it. Maybe the order I got today that I assume was in the 100 calorie range is actually 300-calories. That's ok. I am not getting it every day.

3.) Don't be afraid to ASK! More often than not, wherever I am at, the server usually has some idea of a swap, if I don't have know which one to ask for. Maybe some places have training on this? Maybe they just know from past customers? Example, today.. I had no idea what was in any of the drinks, so I just asked which were the most popular.. eyeballed the lowest calorie of those, and from there the very nice girl* walked me through swaps.

4.) Portions Matter! If I don't know the nutritional value, this goes back to assuming the worst at 1. While I wish a slice of cake at Dumplins was 200 calories.... it's not. Choosing a small, or to split something with someone, or save leftovers, can really help when dining out.


Small Blondie (iced), sub half and half for almond milk, sugar free caramel, sugar free vanilla. Can we talk about how cute these cups are? Also they were playing Christian music in the drive thru!

My drink was DELICIOUS, but later I did see online that the Blondie is a mix in itself, so I am going to assume this was probably a little more calories than I personally like to give to a drink. Next time I think I will play around with their regular coffee and add my choice of sugar free flavors to sweeten it (I noticed they had sugar free white chocolate and I am intrigued) which should keep it around 25-50 calorie range for a small, based on how many pumps you get!

Let me know if you have been or what you try! Try my other coffee orders here:

cup that says cultivate kindness with coffee in it


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